菇燒魚片 Sautéed Fish with Mushrooms in Oyster Sauce

材料 Ingredients
白魚肉 White fish filet1 磅 lb (450g)
松柳菇 Beech mushroom 1 包 pack
黑洋菇 Crimini mushroom 8 朵 each
大蒜 Garlic4 瓣 clove
太白粉 Tapioca starch2 大匙 Tbs
炸油 Cooking oil for frying5 杯 cup
油 Cooking oil3 大匙 Tbs
基本醃料(淡) Light basic marinade 1 份 portion
蠔油醬汁B料 Oyster sauce part B 1 份 portion

1.將魚肉切成 3cm x 6cm x 3cm 厚片。松柳菇和黑洋菇略微沖洗後馬上擦乾。將松柳菇底部切除﹐每根菇分開。黑洋菇則對切成半。大蒜切碎。
2.將蠔油醬汁 B 料準備好﹐配方中的水不要 (因為菇類會出水)。
3.將魚肉用基本醃料醃 10分鐘。
4.將魚肉裹上 2 大匙太白粉。
5.5 杯炸油熱到 375F (190C) 度。加入魚肉用大火炸熟﹐將魚肉盛出備用。
6. 令起炒鍋熱 2 大匙油﹐加入松柳菇﹐黑洋菇和蒜末炒香。。

1.Cut the fish filet into 1"x2"x1" slices. Rinse and dry the mushrooms. Cut the bottom of the beech mushrooms off and separate the mushrooms stem by stem. Cut each crimini mushroom in half. Mince the garlic.
2.Get the ingredients from Part B of the Oyster Sauce ready, but omit the water in the sauce recipe.
3.Marinate the fish slices with the Light Basic Marinade for 10 minutes.
4.Coat the fish with 2 tbs. of tapioca starch.
5. Heat 5 cups of oil to 375°F (190°C). Deep-fry the fish until cooked. Set the fish aside.
6. Heat 2 tbs. of oil in a wok. Add the mushrooms and minced garlic. Sauté until aromatic.
7.Add the fish and the ingredients from part B of the Oyster Sauce. Quickly stir-fry until the sauce becomes thick. Be gentle to avoid breaking the fish.

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